
This is how most of the tavern go-ers would remember Gyps.

She stumbled upon the tavern,a lost little kitten. Her playful and enigmatic personality attracted alot of attention. Hell,what is a cat's goal in life if not attention? Her first few months among the taverners, quite a few people paid her special notice, and she returned the favor three fold.

Itsildo,Kendra Darkheart,Lil Miss Avery,Cassie the Tavern Wench, Redheaded Vampress, Dallius Vendall, Gian Vesper, Lady Temptress Death, and Sweet Lady Julia were some of her nearest and dearest. They would protect her, Feed her, and give her all the petting and loving that she needed. Or so she thought.

But something was missing......

Her first encounter with another of the Feline kind,was the ever enigmatic Firecat. Aunty Fire as she would become soon, took the lil E under her massive paw and guided her towards her own family-The Ke'chera.
After meeting a few of the other cats in this family of "shifters",It was decided she would be put under the adoptive care of a pair of adults: Storm Cat,and Ice Cat.
This family took care of her well. Her favorite Aunt Fire,and her uncle Swing,and her Gramma M'lady Cat were always open with her and trained her in the skills of hunting, and self-reliance.

As she grew ,her silence became more and more profound. Rather than visit with the rest of the family that had taken her in, she would sit and read for hours on end. Any book that took her fancy she would devour within hours,and take up another as soon as the first was finished. Her desire for knowledge and secrets kept was insatiable. As was her appetite for food. To the other "peaceful" Ke'cheran's her strictly carnivourous tendencies set their mouths agape.

Their Little Egyptian could hunt down a herd of five deer ,kill and eat them all, and still be famished. She soon realized there was something very different about her ,and she thought again, something was missing.....

One lone twilight,after finishing a successful hunt,Egyptian layed back in the grass next to the carcasses of her fresh kill and closed her eyes. Something within her came to the surface,a tingling sensation,something she'd never felt before. And there,after opening her eyes,in place of her normal Feline body, was the body of a woman. Reveling in the glory of her kill had caused the ancient secret of the Bastet to arise in her and had spured her to "jump shifts". The adolescent Egyptian wailed in fear,not understanding what was happening to her. At that moment,the tears spilling from her eyes unchecked,her Kuasha appeared.

Out of the mists of the surrounding trees she came. The adult cat of Egyptians same breed,with a coat black as the finest silk. Sleek and beautiful in the setting suns rays, the ancient teacher stood over the trembling E and coo'd soothing words into her mind with a motherly voice. "Come now little one ,no more tears. Now is the time for the missing pieces to come together...." The wisdom in that voice stirred Egyptian's emotions ,and with a hestiant look over her shoulder,to the place she once called home, she stood and walked with the Kuasha out of the trees and into the secrets she'd been craving.

And now,nothing was missing.....

To continue the story-go ahead and click the symbol.