The several faces of Egyptian Cat/Sh'ladia Mimosa

Egyptian was born in a zoo to a pair of "Cats". The male of the pairing was the one with the Bastet blood within. The original Feline kin of her tribe had long been extinct,the Kyphur. So her ancestors had taken on mates of either the Serval cat,or the Caracal cat pictured below.

The Serval pictured below is a rather small breed of wild cat. Not much bigger than a large house cat,but a wild cat just the same.

This is the Cereval cat,another small/medium sized wild cat.The tufts of fur from the tips of it's ears are a trademark characteristic.

Egyptian looks like a good mix between the two above cats when in her feline form. Except.....From her contacts with Cahlash's brood ,her fur has been tainted to the deepest black. No markings or masks to give her away as she stalks the shadows for prey. So,imagine if you would the Serval and Caracal combined with the coat of a Black Leopard.

And that ,my dears,is Egyptian's Feline form in a nutshell.

The picture below is Gypt in her Crinos form.The massive half-form combines the most powerful elements of human and cat. Although fearsome,the Crinos Bastet is beautifully impressive,lithe rather than huge. Even the obvioius warriors have an aura of mystic power around them,and werecats who follow the magical arts--Especially Bubasti--seem to glow with power in this form.

There are ,of course, two other forms in between. The Sokto and Chatro-But these three pictured are the only one's you're likely to see Egyptian/Sh'ladia in.

And finally,the picture below is Sh'ladia. After going through the Kuasha Rite of Speaking the Name-E chose a variation on her own Teacher's name:Lydia.Long flowing Dark hair,and Mysterious eyes,that seem to change color's the longer you look into them. Sh'ladia seems to whisper ancient wisdoms even when she says nothing at all. From the shadows, she observes the spidery world she prefers. And it,in turn,observes her and echoes her name.

And the final defining point that link the Feline to the Homid forms of this beautiful creature is the Bronze ankh that adorns her neck. As Sh'ladia it graces her throat from a short leather cord,catching the light from it's high polish with ever graceful turn of her body. As Egyptian,it circles her feline neck from the leather strap looking like a loose colar. The bronze against her black fur competeing with her eyes in shimmering qualities. Ask her yourself if you'd care to know where she required such a treasure-she just might tell you,for an exchange of course.

To read more of Egyptian/Shladia's story,click the symbol.